I've been lucky enough to receive some Arts Council England Funding which has enabled me to deliver some workshops supporting my new series of work #SoftLads. Attendees experience the work and then contribute through creative writing prompts. These will go into a published Anthology in February 2022.
9th October Workshop
I'm working in partnership with Henry Sandon Hall, the Royal Porcelain Works who are hosting these workshop sessions. I am partnering with Holly Winter-Hughes of The Word Association who has been facilitating these workshops and providing participants with prompts to respond to the work on there own terms.
16th October Workshop
I've added this post here, as we have had various interest from people who haven't been able to make the sessions due to timing or other personal reasons.
So, to help keep the Workshops as accessible as possible I have recorded the exercises into a few quick videos. Please note, if you are interested in taking part and want to be included in the Anthology you must email o.bliss@ymail.com before the 14th November 2021 to be considered. You don't have to complete all the exercises to take part in the anthology, you are welcome to submit any response you like.
The videos below provide the exercises individually so you can pause the video as you go through. For the written prompt click into the video where it says YouTube and that will direct you to watch the video with a full description below.
Additionally below these videos are pictures of the Tapestries so that you can click and enlarge the images to take a more detailed look.
9th October Workshop Exercise 1
(click on watch in YouTube for the written prompts)
9th October Workshop Exercise Critical Response
(click on watch in YouTube for the written prompts)
9th October Workshop Exercise 2
(click on watch in YouTube for the written prompts)
16th October Workshop Exercise 1
(click on watch in YouTube for the written prompts)
16th October Workshop Exercise Critical Response
(click on watch in YouTube for the written prompts)
16th October Workshop Exercise 2
(click on watch in YouTube for the written prompts)
23rd October Workshop Exercise 1
(click on watch in YouTube for the written promp)
23rd October Workshop Exercise Critical Response
(click on watch in YouTube for the written prompts)
23rd October Workshop Exercise 2
(click on watch in YouTube for the written promp)
30th October Workshop Exercise 1
(click on watch in YouTube for the written promp)
30th October Workshop Exercise Critical Response
(click on watch in YouTube for the written prompts)
30th October Workshop Exercise 2
(click on watch in YouTube for the written promp)
27th November Workshop Exercise 1
(click on watch in YouTube for the written prompts)
27th November Workshop Critical Response Process
(click on watch in YouTube for the written prompts)
(click on watch in YouTube for the written prompts)
Here is a link to each of the reflections of the work:
Hard Core Vibes
Here is a introduction Video which explains more about her process
Adaptive Evolution
Images and information to come
Further images from the Workshops
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