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University stuff, Conferences and Notes

Here you can find links to different pieces of work that I have done through my experiences at University and notes from conferences that I have attended.


Here are notes from different conferences I attended, below each are link to the website, my notes and some tags to give some detail

IMPACT: Generate and Demonstrate Conference16th July 2015, Manchester

Pomogaze leeds Art Gallery 2015,

Google Days, Digital Change: Seizing the digital opportunities online, Baltic Gallery Gateshead 2015

Civil Partnership?, Tate Modern, London 2012

Maura Reilly, Lara Perry, FAG: Feminist Art Gallery, Allyson Mitchell, Deirdre Logue,Lisa Metherell, Suzana Milevska, Matt Smith, Patrik Steorn, Emily Pringle, Michael Petry, Pawel Leskowicz, Elke Krasny, lgbt, gay, feminism, visual arts,

Contemporary Visual Arts Network, Town Hall, London 2012

  Melissa Gronlund,   Kwong Lee,  Dany Louise,  James Rebanks, Stephen Foster, Sue Ball,Sarah Browne, Sam Hopley, Andreas Lang, Chaired by Donna Lynas, Annabel Jackson, Tom Trevor, Gill Nicol, Sam Cairns, Pauline Tambling, Lesley Butterworth, Emma Thomas, Chris Bailey

Duration, Culture Lab, AV festival, Newcastle 2012 

Culture Lab, AV festival, Newcastle 2012

Maeve Blackman, Dr Tim Brennan, Dr Mike Collier, Julie Crawshaw, Neville Gabie, Neville Gabie, Janey Hunt, Kristina Kotov, James Layton, Barbara Lounder, Gerard Nadeau, Dr Tracy Piper-Wright, Helen Potkin, Colin Priest, Dr. Mary Richards, Dr Michael Shiell, Nicola Singh, Richard Smolinski, Bambi Yost & Jon Hunt


Year 1

Arts Management

This was my first core module for the course lead by Dr Simon Parry the course gave an introduction to methodologies and resources to develop an understanding of management functions including business planning, organisational change, people management, programming, leadership, communications and research.

Critical Summary of Bennett, Susan. “Theatre/Tourism.” Theatre Journal, Volume 57, Number 3, October 2005, pp. 407-428
This our first exercise to critically summaries Susan Bennett’s work 

Oliver Bliss Bennett Critical Review With Watermark

Critical review Shezad Dawood exhibition of Piercing Brightness
This was our first chance to write our own critical perceptive of a piece of an exhibition or piece of work.

Oliver Bliss Critical Review Shezad Dawood

Literature review Gatekeepers or open access with watermark
This was the most difficult piece of writing I have done I had never even heard of a literature review before this, it felt impossible!

The review focused on representation of collections in public art galleries, exploring the responsibility of those involved in collection and selection management and how those who are sexually diverse are included in this process. 
This was my second module and I approached Contemporary Arts Society to work with them to find a new business model for working with internships and volunteers through a research study, the module was marked through a report we produced reflecting on our placement of choice.

Reflection With Watermark

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