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Friday 19 June 2015

York Pride!

York pride is this weekend! So the Same-Sex marriage quilt has taken a journey over to York City Council to be on display in their public building. I'm really pleased because the quilt will be seen by lots of local residents of York who come in for local services; many of which who would not normally have taken a look at the quilt. You can see more about the event in this local article here:

Additionally because I'm travelling a lot around on trains with my new role I've gotten back into messing around with a sketch book. Here is a snap shot from my sketch book, I'm going to try and continue to experiment with different images which I may later incorporate into a future piece of work? Who knows, at the moment it's just nice to have a little play again and explore different ideas without an end process in mind. It's something I should be doing more of because it might lead me to a new direction creatively?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just wanted to say hi and thank you for following my blog for such a long time. That means a lot to me. And I also wanted to ask you a favor, I'm promoting my own comic book, as you can see here:

    It would mean a lot to me if you help me spread the link around, and even better yet, if you post something about this on your blog.

